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Ciao !

Yann Hoiret

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Ciao! :039:


My name is Yann, i write in english and hope you'll understand me!

I knew this forum with my twitter account and decide to join the forum and the facebook page.

I don't understand the italian even if my wife can! i see that you send interesting vidéos, or articles and i use a translator to a better understood.

I have discus at home since many time. I'm 31 years old and always be attract by discus fish! so my first discus come at home at 12/13 year old.

Now i'm a discus lover and i breed a little discus, specialy red ones.

I create a blog dedicated to discus written in french and in english for some articles. I also have a facebook discus page for this blog.

I think i will be more a reader than a speaker (because of the language) but i'm always attract by all the discus community arround the world... so i'm sure to take pleasure to surf on your forum!


Best regards

Yann from France

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Yann, nice to see you here.

I had the great opportunity to check the french breeder history, as I've been translating the second volume of Bleher's Discus til the last week, and you have billion of important picks in your feedback, starting from Jacques Géry and going toward the modern facilities.

Eventually great!! :thumbsu:

Nice to have you here, no matter how you'll write, I know of course that we use to love check images and videos, and you'll have some of them to see all around the forum.

Enjoy your time.

Feel like home here sign0098.gif

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I Yann Nice to meet you.... You're welcome in this forum. You're lucky, there're a lot of people that can write in English very well ( I can't unfortunately)... When you want tell to us about your experience and we are very interested about ornamental fish in your country!

:wel: :wel: :wel: :wel: :wel:

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:039: Hello!


Thanks a lot for your welcome!!!

I already read and see interesting things here! Just finish with the I.E.Z bayer report... nice ! sign0098.gif

Hey tatore you check the translation of the last Bleher discus book in french???


best regards


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Done it from eng to ita. My opinion is that we can't really ask for more from a biography. It's the best book never written. Complete!!

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I hope to have quickly this book in my hands !! :004:


I did an article in french about the first book of Heiko :


Totally agree with you...the first book was an amazing story...what will be the second?!?!?! :54:

I really enjoy discus breeding, and i hope to read many informations about this subject and the beginning of the breeding stories!



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